Tracklista:1. Rich in Paradise (Going Back to My Roots)2. Vex3. Stop (Strip Steve Remix)4. My Day Has Come (Feat. Chezere) (DJ Dealer Prime Time Vocal)5. I Can Feel It6. Guess Who7. Bang (Feat. TT the Artist)8. Cowbell9. Angorra (Vocals from Chimpo)10. Gabryelle11. It's You (San Soda's Panorama Bar Acca Version)12. A Lo Mejor13. Baby, Baby14. Helta Skelta16. Do You Rex15. Infected Ear17. Rude & Deadly18. Fallacy19. Zulu Carnival20. Telo (Sudanim Remix)21. Las Caderas22. Kinetic (Frank Dewulf Remix)

  • Wykonawca Various Artists
  • Data premiery 2015-05-18
  • Nośnik CD

Po sukcesie ostatniego albumu artystki "Rated R", Rihanna postanowiła rozwinąć ten projekt. Wynikiem tego jest płyta "Rated R: Remixed”. Premiera albumu zaplanowana jest na 21 maja 2010 roku.Jak tytuł wskazuje na płycie znajduje się zremiksowany materiał z albumu „Rated R”. Za obróbkę wszystkich kawałków na płycie odpowiedzialny jest Chew Fu, który miksuje utwory w stylu dance. Współpracował on z Timbalandem, Mariah Carey.Album jest interesującą propozycją, którą zapewne będziemy mieli okazję posłuchać w wielu klubach.TRACKLISTA:   1. "Mad House" (Chew Fu Straight Jacket Fix)   2. "Russian Roulette" (Chew Fu Black Russian Fix)   3. "Rockstar 101" (Chew Fu Teacher's Pet Fix)   4. "Wait Your Turn" (Chew Fu Can't Wait No More Fix)   5. "Photographs" feat. (Chew Fu 35mm Fix)   6. "Rude Boy" (Chew Fu Bumbaclot Fix)   7. "Hard" feat. Jeezy (Chew Fu Granite Fix)   8. "G4L" (Chew Fu Guns in the Air Fix)   9. "Fire Bomb" (Chew Fu Molotov Fix)  10. "Stupid in Love" (Chew Fu Small Room Fix)

  • Wykonawca Rihanna
  • Data premiery 2010-05-21
  • Nośnik CD

DonGuralesko nikomu przedstawiać nie trzeba, jego dorobek koncertowy, płytowy czy też teledyskowy mówi sam za siebie. Kolejny album artysty to delikatny powrót do przeszłości, a wszystko za sprawą bardzo klasycznej warstwy muzycznej, za którą odpowiedzialni są Tasty Beatz, The Returners, Ceha oraz Donatan. Nie brakuje też gości wokalnych w postaci Shellera, Rafiego, Sitka, Weny czy też Fokusa. Ta wersja została odświeżona pod względem poligrafii i dźwięku. Tracklista: 1. Intro. Prod. Tasty Beatz 2. Mogliśmy wszystko. Prod. Scratch The Returners 3. Ponad tęczą. Feat. Wena. Prod. Scratch The Returners 4. Kto sieje wiatr. Prod. Ceha. Scratch Dj Taek 5. Pięć. Feat. Sitek, Shellerini. Prod. Tasty Beatz. Scratch Dj Cube 6. Laj laj laj. Prod. Ceha. Scratch Dj Taek. 7. Wąż ogonojad. Prod. Donatan. Scratch Dj Cube. 8. Tulić hajs. Prod. Donatan. Scratch Dj Kostek. 9. Pomimo to. Feat. Rafi. Prod Tasty Beats. Scratch Dj Soina. 10. Trochę czasu. Prod. Tasty Beatz. Scratch Dj Cube. 11. Chcę Ci dać. Prod Tasty Beats. Scratch Dj Cube. 12. A gdyby tak. Feat. Fokus. Prod. Donatan. 13. Skoki w prążki. Prod Donatan. Scratch Dj Soina. 14. Zwyczajne dzieje. Feat. Gruby Mielzky , Ry 23. Prod. Scratch. The Returners. 15. Outro. Prod. Tasty Beatz

  • Wykonawca donGURALesko
  • Data premiery 2017-11-24
  • Nośnik CD

Tracklista: CD 1 1. Take It Up 2. Feelings 3. Whip Slap II 4. Can You Feel It 5. What's That Noise 6. Claws 7. Phase 1 8. Pick Em Out (T>I Remix) 9. Never Stop (S.P.Y Remix) 10. Remind Me 11. Real Love VIP (Feat. Kat W) 12. I Need A Riddim 13. Don't Go (Dominator Remix) 14. Body Movin' (Feat. Shockone) 15. Tap Ho (A.M.C Remix) 16. Sharks 17. Warning 18. Steel Drum 19. Echoes Of You 20. Tour 21. Ruckus (Feat. $Pyda) CD 2 1. Watercolour (Matrix & Futurebound Remix) 2. Just A Step Away (Feat. Ownglow) 3. Rave Alarm 4. Dancing 5. Low Blow 6. From The Edge 7. Need Some1 (Friction Remix) 8. Technique Soundboy 9. Dun Kno 10. Blow Them Away 11. Silly Putty 12. Yellow 13. Forever (Feat. Quavo & Sebastian Kole) [Turno Edit] 14. Step Away (Feat. MC Singing Fats) 15. Exhale 16. Insecticide 17. Buss Off 18. Shots (Feat. MC Jakes) [Flite Remix] 19. Change The Game 20. Jump Up 21. Chase The Dragon 22. Crazy Hype (Annix Remix) 23. White Flag VIP CD 3 1. Spiritual Aura (Bladerunner & Saxxon Remix) 2. Special Dedication (Feat. Top Cat) [Sigma Remix] 3. Serious Music 4. Ruffest Gun Ark (Chase & Status Mix) 5. Big Time Winners 6. Frequency 7. Girls Dem Want It (Serum VIP Mix) 8. The Licence (Break Remix) 9. Valley Of The Shadows (Chase & Status Remix) 10. Champion Sound (DLR 2016 Remix) 11. Highway Business 12. Jungle Fire VIP 13. Jungle Jungle VIP 14. Positive Vibes 15. Highest Respect 16. Feel The Fire (Bladerunner Remix) 17. Babylon (Bladerunner Rebuild) 18. Right Here, Right Now (Friction One In The Jungle Remix) 19. The Hitman (Feat. Cutty Ranks) [DJ Hybrid Remix] 20. Dark Rider (SCAR Remix)

  • Wykonawca Various Artists
  • Data premiery 2018-10-05
  • Nośnik CD

Wydawnictwa z serii "Trance 100", to unikalne kolekcje najlepszych klubowych hitów. 4 płyty, na każdej po 25 topowych produkcji, co łącznie daje ponad 240 minut muzyki. Potężna porcja elektronicznych brzmień, jakiej nie znajdziecie na żadnej innej składance. Teraz ten wyjątkowy zestaw, ukazuje się w limitowanej wersji, skompilowanej specjalnie na wakacje. 100 utworów, gotowych do zaspokojenia potrzeb, nawet tych najbardziej wymagających fanów. Jednak taki box, nie miałaby sensu bez gwiazdorskiej obsady. Armin Van Buuren, ATB, Paul Van Dyk, Kyau & Albert, Above & Beyond, Gareth Emery, Dash Berlin, Super8 & Tab, Orjan Nilsen, Ben Gold, Andrew Rayel, Ashley Wallbridge, Ilan Bluestone, Robert Nickson i Alex M.O.R.P.H., to główni bohaterowie w swoich mistrzowskich rolach. Jeżeli nadal nie jesteście usatysfakcjonowani, to dodamy jeszcze Signum, Andy’ego Moora, KhoMhę, RAM, Protoculture czy Alexandra Popova. Tracklista: CD 1 1. Armin Van Buuren - My Symphony (The Best Of Armin Only Anthem) 2. ATB & Andrew Rayel - Connected 3. Alpha 9 - The Night Is Ours 4. Dash Berlin feat. Christina Novelli - Listen To Your Heart (Club Mix) 5. Above & Beyond feat. Zoë Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix [Above & Beyond Respray]) 6. Andrew Rayel & Emma Hewitt - My Reflection 7. Protoculture - The Descent 8. Paul Van Dyk - Touched By Heaven 9. Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Concrete Angel (ReOrder Remix) 10. Ratty - Sunrise (Indecent Noise's Dreamstate Remix) 11. Allen Watts - Arizona 12. Ben Gold & Standerwick - Vendetta 13. MaRLo & First State - Falling Down 14. Jurgen Vries - The Theme (Radion6 Remix) 15. Alexander Popov - Eyes To Heaven 16. ilan Bluestone & Giuseppe De Luca - Frozen Ground 17. Andy Moor & Lange pres. Stadium4 - Unity 18. David Gravell - Children 19. Standerwick feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Streets Of Gold 20. Kyau & Albert - Trace 21. Orjan Nilsen feat. Rykka - The Hardest Part 22. Bobina - Lazy World 2017 23. Super8 & Tab feat. Jonny Rose - Falling Into You 24. Ruben De Ronde X Rodg X Louise Rademakers - Riptide 25. Omnia & DRYM - Enigma CD 2 1. Joonas Hahmo X K-System - Yámana 2. Estiva - Blossom 3. Alpha 9 - Higher Place 4. Ruben de Ronde X Rodg X Orjan Nilsen - Booya 5. Somna feat. Matthew Steeper - My Shelter 6. LTN & Julie Thompson - Devil & Deep 7. Wrechiski - Brief Encounter 8. Alexandre Bergheau - Summer's Gone (Yoel Lewis Remix) 9. Digital X & Sylvia Tosun - The Beginning 10. Yoel Lewis - Tuviana 11. Denis Kenzo & Hanna Finsen - Dancing In The Dark 12. Conjure One feat. Leigh Nash - Under The Gun (Kago Pengchi Remix) 13. Artento Divini - Octa 14. KhoMha - Dance Electric 15. Ashley Wallbridge - Naughts & Crosses 16. Kyau & Albert with Francesco Sambero feat. M. Wood - Gamla Stan 17. Armin Van Buuren - Communication (David Gravell Remix) 18. Davey Asprey - Fallout 19. Assaf feat. Nathan Nicholson - Lost Souls (Radion6 Remix) 20. Fabio XB pres. Liuck feat. Eric Lumiere - More To Life (Luke Bond Remix) 21. Alexander Popov & LR - Clarity 22. David Gravell - Energy 23. Ahmed Romel vs. A & Z - Revive 24. Robert Nickson feat. Cat Martin - Every Sun (Factor B's Perfect Sunrise Remix) 25. RAM feat. Cari - Soulfood CD 3 1. Armin Van Buuren & Garibay feat. Olaf Blackwood - I Need You (Standerwick Remix) 2. Andrew Rayel & Christina Novelli - Lighthouse 3. Denis Kenzo feat. Sveta B. - Just To Hear 4. Danis - Lost (Marcus Santoro Remix) 5. Protoculture & Tenishia - Eos 6. Super8 & Tab - Cosmo 7. Jason Ross - Onyx 8. Fatum - Draco 9. Assaf feat. Diana Leah - Weapons 10. Mark Sixma & Betsie Larkin - Invincible 11. Tommy Johnson - Safe Haven 12. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge - FaceOff 13. Tom Fall - Kaamos 14. Steve Dekay & ARCZI - Calipso 15. Radion6 - World Of Tomorrow 16. Ben Gold - More Than Anything 17. Dan Thompson - Neptune 18. Whiteout - Forces 19. Heatbeat pres. Stacker - Omellete Paradise 20. Mark Sixma pres. M6 - Heartbeat 21. Jeremy Vancaulart feat. Holly Drummond - Let Go (Assaf Remix) 22. Manuel Rocca & Illitheas - Enchanted 23. DARVO - Kyokushin 24. Chris Schweizer - Loaded 25. Spoiled and Zigo - More And More CD 4 1. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Kim Kiona - Coming Home 2. Signum - Euphoric Hope 3. UDM - Land Of Dream 4. Mhammed El Alami & Ben Samy - Ocean Dream 5. DT8 Project - Destination (James Dymond Remix) 6. ReOrder & Driftmoon - #Slovakboys 7. Ben Gold - Pilot 8. Shinovi - Indian Summer 9. Berg - Randa 10. Amba Shepherd - Wide Awake & Dreaming (Uberjak'd Remix) 11. Exis - Mantra 12. Cold Rush vs. F.G. Noise - Raven 13. Sneijder & Christina Novelli - Love Of My Control (Sam Jones Remix) 14. Ben Nicky - Cobra 15. Heatbeat & Jordan Suckley - Brutal 16. Talla 2XLC & Allen Watts - Helix 17. DRYM feat. Jennifer Rene - Smile (Amir Hussain Remix) 18. Frainbreeze feat. Cari - Stronger (Steve Allen & Enzo Remix) 19. Luciano Martinez - Mute 20. Sean Mathews & Andres Sanchez - Never Be 21. Scott Bond & Charlie Walker vs. Trouser Enthusiasts - Sweet Release 22. STA - Enigma (Melodic Mix) 23. Allen & Envy and Mhammed El Alami - Perception (Steve Dekay Remix) 24. Andrew Rayel - Tacadum 25. Heaven’s Cry - Till Tears Do Us Part

  • Wykonawca Various Artists
  • Data premiery 2017-08-11
  • Nośnik CD

Tracklista:1. Wait a Minute (Feat. Willie Hyn)2. Who Really Loves You3. Heart Away4. Loving You5. I Do6. Changed My Mind7. Walk Away8. Far Gone (Feat. Rapsody)9. Part of Me (Feat. JoiStaRR)10. Alive and Well11. The Girl (Feat. JoiStaRR)12. Life On Earth

  • Wykonawca Musiq Soulchild
  • Data premiery 2017-09-15
  • Nośnik CD

Tracklista:1. Shake It Off (Originally Performed By Taylor Swift) [karaoke Instrumental Version]2. Uptown Funk (Originally Performed By Bruno Mars Feat. Mark Ronson) [karaoke Instrumental Version]3. Love Me Like You Do (Originally Performed By Ellie Goulding) [karaoke Instrumental Version]4. Thinking Out Loud (Originally Performed By Ed Sheeran) [karaoke Instrumental Version]5. I Really Like You (Originally Performed By Carly Rae Jepsen) [karaoke Instrumental Version]6. See You Again (Originally Performed By Wiz Khalifa Feat. Charlie Puth) [karaoke Instrumental Version]7. Trouble (Originally Performed By Iggy Azalea Feat. Jennifer Hudson) [karaoke Instrumental Version]8. Cheerleader (Originally Performed By OMI) [karaoke Instrumental Version]9. Hold My Hand (Originally Performed By Jess Glynne) [karaoke Instrumental Version]10. Not Letting Go (Originally Performed By Tinie Tempah Feat. Jess Glynne) [karaoke Instrumental Version]11. Jealous (Originally Performed By Nick Jonas) [karaoke Instrumental Version]12. All About That Bass (Originally Performed By Meghan Trainor) [karaoke Instrumental Version]13. Want to Want Me (Originally Performed By Jason Derulo) [karaoke Instrumental Version]14. Shake It Off (Originally Performed By Taylor Swift) [karaoke Instrumental Version]15. Take Me to Church (Originally Performed By Hozier) [karaoke Instrumental Version]17. Sugar (Originally Performed By Maroon 5) [karaoke Instrumental Version]18. Heartbeat Song (Originally Performed By Kelly Clarkson) [karaoke Instrumental Version]19. Shut Up and Dance (Originally Performed By Rihanna) [karaoke Instrumental Version]20. Fourfiveseconds (Originally Performed By Rihanna, Kanye West and Paul McCartney) [karaoke Instrumental Version]

  • Wykonawca Various Artists
  • Data premiery 2015-10-23
  • Nośnik CD

Tracklista: CD 1 1. Come Into My Life (Club Version) 2. Didn't Know About Love ('Til I Found You) 3. Ride On The Rhythm 4. Baby Don't Hold Your Love Back (Extended Vocal Version) 5. Don't Make Me Wait 6. Let Me Show You (Long Vocal Version) 7. Rescue Me 8. Ooh I Love It (Love Break) 9. Kilometer (A-Trak Remix) 10. Plus One 11. Do You Feel Me (City Soul Project Club Mix) 12. Talking Jungle (Justin Vandervolgen Remix) 13. So Alive (Accapella) 14. Happiness Pt. 2 15. Equinox (Henrik Schwarz Remix) 16. My Beat (Feat. Palmer Brown) (Acappella) 17. Love Sensation (Dimitri From Paris DJ Friendly Classic Re-Edit) 18. Everybody Dance (12" Mix) 19. The Way We Used To (Accapella) 20. Doctor Love (Kerri's Lost Mix) CD 2 1. You're No Good For Me 2. The Morning After (Purple Disco Machine Re-Work) 3. What U Need 4. The Way You Love Me (Feat. Marc Evans) 5. Reach 4 The Sky (Henry St. Mix) 6. She's Got 7. Found A Cure (A Tom Moulton Mix) 8. Operator (DJ Koze's 12" Extended Disco Version) 9. Set It Out (Plaster Hands Version) 10. Shine (This Is It) [Feat. Nona Hendryx] 11. Come Into My Room (Feat. LT Brown) 12. Sunday Shoutin' (B Boys Shouting Dub) 13. The Light 14. Sing-A-Song (Masters At Work's High Vocal Mix) 15. Walk (Mousse T.'S Full Vocal Mix) 16. Feeling U (Feat. Yasmin) [David Morales Remix] 17. Dance, Dance, Dance

  • Wykonawca Various Artists
  • Data premiery 2016-11-25
  • Nośnik CD / Album

Tracklista:1. That's Me in the Bar2. Sign On the Line3. She's Waiting for Me4. Checkin' In5. Music Box6. Callin' Home7. Night Out On the Town8. Pass Me By9. I Meant What I Said10. Maybe I'm to Blame11. I Confess12. Some People Call It Love13. If You Want Me to Stay (Feat. Flea)

  • Wykonawca Croce A.J.
  • Data premiery 2015-12-04
  • Nośnik Płyta Analogowa

Tracklista: CD 1 1. Boombastic 2. Turn Me On 3. No Letting Go 4. I'm Still In Love With You (Feat. Sasha) 5. You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) 6. Dat Sexy Body 7. Dude (Feat. Ms. Thing) 8. Boom Shack-A-Lak 9. Here Comes The Hotstepper 10. Murder She Wrote 11. Pon De River, Pon De Bank 12. Heads High 13. Ting-A-Ling 14. Everyone Falls In Love 15. Mamacita 16. Tempted To Touch 17. Taboo (Feat. Shola Ama) 18. Hold You 19. No Games 20. Flex CD 2 1. Shy Guy 2. Baby, I Love Your Way 3. Shine (Beatmasters Mix) 4. Oh Carolina 5. Tease Me 6. Who Am I 7. Run Up (Feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj) 8. Cheerleader 9. Rude 10. Searching 11. Now That We've Found Love 12. Mr. Loverman (Feat. Chevelle Franklin) 13. Close To You 14. Sweets For My Sweet 15. Compliments On Your Kiss 16. Red Red Wine 17. Pass The Dutchie 18. Don't Turn Around 19. Baby Come Back (Feat. Ali And Robin Campbell) 20. Break My Stride CD 3 1. No Woman, No Cry 2. Night Nurse 3. Don't Worry Be Happy 4. Wonderful World, Beautiful People 5. You Can Get It If You Really Want 6. Uptown Top Ranking 7. I Can See Clearly Now 8. Money In My Pocket 9. Get Up Stand Up 10. Good Thing Going (We've Got A Good Thing Going) 11. Stir It Up 12. Dreadlock Holiday 13. Double Barrel 14. The Harder They Come 16. 54-46 That's My Number 15. Girlie Girlie 17. Kingston Town 18. Silly Games 19. Let Your Yeah Be Yeah 20. Love Of The Common People

  • Wykonawca Various Artists
  • Data premiery 2017-06-09
  • Nośnik CD